A chronicle for our friends of our new life in Corvallis.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Record heat this week! Today it will get up to 105!

We are rapidly becoming savvy about how to survive in these temperatures, plus how to help our new little plant friends survive. Lots of water and try to find the shade.

Aaron has his cousin Matt here for two weeks visiting from Maryland. They found refuge in the fountains along the riverfront in downtown Corvallis while we shopped at the Saturday morning Farmers Market. Ahhhhhhh.

And in the shallow spots along the Willamette River.

Surprisingly enough it's possible to stay cool even on a hot day with enough big shade trees and the breezes off the river.

This is how Courtney and Ben deal with it all.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Hooray! Aaron has arrived!

Aaron has now been here a week. What an active week! He has seen his good friends, John and Jen many times now.

And, he met his nephew, Ben.

Here's Aaron hard at work doing stump removal at the ol' homestead.

Today we all went to a festival at the park, which he found quite boring...

We topped it off with a bike ride down the local path to a covered bridge...

Here's Aaron with Eder. Llamas and our street are in the background.

A good read at the end of the day. Ahhh.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Just like the rich layers of soil, compost and mulch that we are preparing for our garden starts, our family is gathering around little Baby Ben to provide the medium for him to grow in.

Aaron arrived yesterday so Ben's uncle is here for the summer. Next week my sister, aptly named "Kissy" when Maya was a newborn, and her son Matthew arrive for a two-week vacation.

Having my mom living on the same property as Maya and Eder seems especially precious now. So few kids get to know their great-grandparents, much less live close to them. And she offers another set of helping hands to the young parents and another layer of love and care to the mix.

Eder's family has been here twice already in Ben's short life and may migrate north before long.

So Courtney and I find ourselves in a whole new world. Far away from all our friends and his dear family, close to my family. The times feel rich with texture and tenderness.


Saturday, June 10, 2006

Tender Seedlings All (or Gardening in the Pacific Northwest with Placenta)

Over the years when thinking about what would really bring me joy, gardening always floated towards the top of the list. So to have this sweet little home surrounded by gardening spaces in all stages of fruition is literally a dream come true.

When we arrived a month ago and a week of early summer heat hit, we planted the first mounded bed, which was lovingly prepared by our dear buddy, Valorie.

It's visible from our kitchen window, with six kinds of tomatoes and a zuchinni that now scares us with its growth. The heat quickly shifted to spring showers, cooler temperatures and heavenly cloud cover, and we put in Ben's garden (proud grandparents) of green beans, four varieties of squashes, herbs and nasturtiums in a bed near the wild blackberries. Plus two half wine barrels of baby letuces in the shade of the holly tree.

But the highlight for us both was this week when we put three fruit trees in the ground. We keep saying to each other, "Who would have thought a year ago that we'd be planting an orchard at a home in Oregon?"

It started when Maya gave birth to Baby Ben two and a half weeks ago and graciously let us take the placenta home. So we put it in the ground first with some ceremony (and with great appreciation and wonder for how that organ had grown just to provide Ben with life), then covered it with a layer of soil and set in a Bartlett pear tree. Nearby, we planted an Asian Pear tree and a French Petite Prune tree went in on the other side of the Bartlett.

Suddenly the west side of our paradise has been transformed by those three pretty fruit trees, just like our new lives were suddenly transformed by Ben's birth.

Even in the midst of all the transition and unpacking and starting things anew, our lives have slowed to the steady, sane pace of new grandparents with time to sit and watch the miracle of Ben. His every expression, yawn, yelp, stretch and passing of gas awes and amazes us, filling us with contentment and gratitude.

And, if all that weren't enough, Aaron arrives today, and the tempo and richness of our lives will again shift and expand. Summer activity will begin. We'll have a house full of boys! Fun!!


Sunday, June 04, 2006


In the midst of global changes, our little microcosm is reorienting a lot right now. And many friends are going through big changes in their lives.

Lucas left yesterday for his new life in Monterey. Aaron will be here in less than a week. Ben is opening his eyes and following sounds, stretching. Our gardens are growing and poised to grow more when the heat hits. Pictures are now up on our walls. Valori has put a lot of good thought into our placement of art and memories.

We are starting to feel somewhat settled! Now the reaching out is beginning. Valori has put in an application to work at the local co-op natural foods store, First Alternative. I have put in calls to the Pacific Greens and talked to two activists. We'll go to the next meeting. I also called several people involved in Hour Exchange, a local barter economy aimed at building community in the Corvallis area. We'll go to their picnic in the next week or so. We haven't yet joined the anti-war vigilers who have stood in front of the courthouse every day at 5 pm since the invasion of Afghanistan. We will do that today or tomorrow.

Our dear friends are so far away. We miss them and, at the same time, this was the right move for us. A funny combination of feelings.

Our house truly is a vacation cabin. We love it so much and feel it healing and resting us. Such a love nest. A good sign of the change that is happening to us here is that Valori has not touched her computer for over a month now!

Stay tuned. Change won't stop changing.